Stav produktu
Cena (Kč)
31,56 Kč - 2 144,99 Kč
Potřeby týkající se stravy
Formát produktu



The LargeLifeTM Limited, was founded in 2003 in Manchester, UK. The founder chose this location, to drive the company‘s business throughout Europe and worldwide, ensuring its premium nutrition supplement brands maximum reach. Due to heavy investment into research and development, this has ensured ultimate quality standards within the completed process. Leading to the company and its key brand AMIXTM Nutrition continuing to grab the attention of many high quality-conscious consumers across Europe.


The brand’s products have captured the eye and taste of many of highest ranked professionals in bodybuilding, fitness and other areas of the fitness or fitness supplement industry. This has been aided tremendously by its rapid growth in distribution and sales of it‘s highly effective products, driving the firm to being one of the most distinctly regarded producers in the industry of sports nutrition and supplementation within Western Europe.

Over the years, the LargeLife‘s registered trademark AMIXTM Nutrition has matured into one of the top market benchmarks. Due to solid fundamentals and rapidly growing demand across Central Europe and markets further East, these facts also contributed to the company‘s decision to build its new state-of-the art R&D, manufacturing and logistics facilities in the very centre of Europe.

The company‘s continuous quest to be the market leader, throughout all aspects of product development and creation has proved to be the firm‘s strongest competitive advantage within the realm of the of sport nutrition worldwide. AMIXTM Nutrition learned to respect and exceed wishes of its most demanding and performance oriented consumers, often becoming the trend setter in many of its markets.

AMIXTM Nutrition‘s futuristic and expressive design help distinguish the product portfolio ever further. It clearly reflects its high standard of research behind the product’s performance-enhancing characteristics and esteemed taste satisfying the requirements of Europe‘s market and soon to be the consumers of Asia, Arabia and The Americas. Products ranging from the simple basic formulas up to the “hardcore” specialty mixtures continue to gain extreme popularity.